ECE and REE Online Class Meeting Links
Register by scanning the QR codes or clicking on the links below. Registration will be approved and class links will be sent to your email once you have completed all enrollment requirements.
How to Register
1. Create a free Zoom account using a non-institutional (personal) email
2. Use the email that you used in creating a Zoom account in step 1 to register for your preferred section below.
3. Once you registration is approved, you will receive an email that contains the link to the meeting.
ECE October 2023 - Section O1 - starts May 1, 2023
ECE October 2023 - Section O2 - starts May 6, 2023

ECE October 2023 - Section O3 - starts June 5, 2023

REE September 2023 - Section O1 - starts May 1, 2023

REE September 2023 - Section O2 - starts May 6, 2023